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Measuring Noise: Loudness Comparison Chart in Decibels

Wow, that is LOUD! But how loud? Knowing the level of sound or noise is important if you are trying solve the issue of soundproofing it for audio recording work or just to maintain a healthy environment for people.

If you want or need to know the level of noise, here is a handy chart with some interesting numbers, collected from a variety of sources. It will help you understand the volume levels of various sources and how they can affect the human, and even animal, hearing.

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The Difference Between Condenser Microphones vs. Dynamic Microphones

If you are serious about your voice over career, it is important to have a working knowledge of the tools available for voice over actors.  For instance, the choice of microphone is crucial for quality audio recording.

However, before you jump into buying a microphone, it helps to do research on how microphones work, the reasons for acoustical treatment, and pretty much anything else that has to do with recording the human voice. You need to remember that the primary purpose of any high-quality recording is to re-create the reality of the moment in the most authentic and believable way possible. The simple fact is that the better the mic, the more authentic and accurate the audio recording will be. In fact, if quality was not a concern, we’d all still be using crystal or carbon microphones!

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Vocal Booth on Tracks: An Option for Space-Challenged Voice Talents

By Randye Kaye, Voice Actress

Yahoo! I now have my own recording room and, even better, I can whisk its walls aside whenever I need to.

How? I replaced my wardrobe-screen-from-Goodwill-draped-with-quilts (only 5 feet high) with a floor-to-ceiling Vocal Booth on Tracks from vocalboothtogo.com. And it’s great – exactly as promised.

First of all, let me clarify that in a perfect VO world I’d get a sound-PROOF booth and perhaps someday I will. This is not a WhisperRoom, or StudioBricks booth and is not offered as such.  This booth, however, delivers exactly what it promises. I love it.


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