



VocalBoothToGo was borne literally by the audio producer's demand for efficient and price conscious products. As technology developed, artists were able to create music and record audio in their home. But even though technology allowed easy recording and editing of the files, the laws of physics did not change and the room acoustics had to be handled properly.

Is Your Acoustic Foam Making Your Sick…

You might have seen portable vocal booths made out of a box with acoustic foam lining.
Whoever used such a box knows that the audio recorded in it sounds boomy and boxy.

In this video we explore a different aspect of the acoustic foam: how healthy is it?
We heard many complaints from people who had used a vocal booth or sound booth with acoustical foam as acoustic treatment inside.
The complaint is that after some time the foam absorbs smells and starts to stink, especially if different people are using it.
A director of communication technology in one of the US Universities told us that they had such a problem, when using a Mobile vocal booths for students, Especially it is a concern during a flu season. They tried to use Lysol to disinfect the foam, and deodorants to mask the smell, but after some time the chemicals start to disintegrate within the foam and the smell becomes even worse! What to do?

Acoustical foam is widely used as means of sound absorption and acoustic room treatment.
What makes acoustical foam absorb sound is an open cell structure, with long tunnels going through the foam.
Sound gets into the openings and loses its energy in the long twisted channels.
The acoustical foam has to have the open channels so the sound can get in. if you think of it – the foam is like a sponge.
but what else gets into the open channels? what else gets absorbed by the foam?
If the open cell acoustic foam behaves like a sponge, then it can also absorb and retain dust, mold spores, allergens, bacteria and viruses.
What happens to the germs and allergens that landed on the foam?
Warm, dark environment seems to be an ideal place for mold and fungi to grow…
Mold spores, allergens or viruses trapped in the foam can potentially contaminate the next user when the foam gets disturbed.
Because the acoustic foam is an open cell material with long channels it cannot be easily washed.
If water gets in, it would stay in those channels and cannot fully evaporate. On the other hand, how can you wash the foam? In most cases it is glued to the wall, you can’t take it off, it is too fragile to be properly washed.
How can you keep it clean and healthy?
There is a healthier alternative to Foam: truly portable vocal booth – Carry–on Vocal Booth, available from http://www.VocalBoothToGo.com. Carry on Vocal Booth is made out of Producer’s Choice Acoustic Blanket. Material with very high Noise Reduction coefficient ( NRC 0.8)
Carry on Vocal Booth gives a great sounding recording – no boxiness and no boominess,
Some voice over actors told us that since they started using the Carry-on Vocal booth for book narration their publisher told them that it was the best sound they ever had!
Carry-on Vocal booth is a great tool for travelling voice actor. It is light weight, durable, portable, easy to set up, versatile and can carry all your recording gear as well!
if it gets dirty in travels – you can easily remove the Sound absorbing liner and wash it in a washing machine.
Most importantly it allows you to record great sound anywhere!

Best Practices in Creating a Home Recording Studio Space

There are three key aspects in capturing good sound — the quality of the instrument, the quality of the player and acoustic room treatment,’’ Martin Morrisette told VocalBoothToGo.com during a video interview about his music business and best practices in creating a home recording studio space.

Marty, an accomplished musician and former band member of Remember When, is also a writer, blogger and singer. With his business partner and friend, Pierre-Antoine Rivard Paquet he started 4Chords Production, which focuses on producing and recording bands and artists as well as writing and producing sound tracks for short films, corporate and promotional videos. He told VocalBoothToGo during an interview that he has learned from his experience in the music industry that there are three key aspects in capturing a good sound.

Continue reading “Best Practices in Creating a Home Recording Studio Space”

VocalBoothToGo.com Sponsors FAFFCON 7 Voice Over Conference


VocalBoothToGo.com was a key supporting sponsor of FAFFCON 7, held Sept 18 to 21, in Phoenix AZ. FAFFCON, the voice over unconference, is a participant-driven professional development event for working voiceover industry professionals. This event is consistently credited with helping establish peer-to-peer connections between its participants in a very informal and friendly manner and helping all take their careers to the next level.

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Traveling with Your Portable Carry-on Vocal Booth

We call it the Carry-on Vocal Booth. but it should be called The Ultimate Road Warrior ‘s Recording  Studio. But is it actually easy to travel with? Can you really carry it with you on an airplane? And, how does it sound?

How It All Works

adilatairportObviously, the main concern for most travelers is whether it can be carried on a plane as a carry-on luggage or does it have to be checked-in as baggage? Voice actors and others who have traveled around the world with the Carry-On Vocal Booth have told us that that in most cases, they have had no problem with taking the portable vocal booth on a plane. In some cases, they were asked to place it in a cargo compartment when they boarded, similar to checking in a baby stroller.

Carry-on luggage size

Although the Carry-on Vocal Booth does not exactly fit the Carry-on luggage size box, it is within the volume allowed by airline which is 9 x 14 x 22 = 2772 cubic inches. The Carry-on Vocal Booth measures 23 x 24 x 4 = 2304 cubic inches.  One might think it is a suit or garment bag. (In fact, the support tray is 22 x 22 inches, but we added couple of inches to be on the safe side.)


Continue reading “Traveling with Your Portable Carry-on Vocal Booth”

Creating a Drum Room – Interview with Podcaster Michael O’Neal

‘’Producer’s Choice Sound Blankets are so worth it. They are a Godsend.’’

nicolemichaelinterviewThis comes from award winning podcaster Michael O’Neal during a video interview with VocalBoothToGo.com. Michael is the founder and host of a nominated 2O13 Stitcher Award Best New Show, The Solopreneur Hour – Job Security for the Unemployable.  Aside from podcasting, he also is a professional drummer. The challenge of having multiple roles created a need for a professional studio space to record his podcast show but also soundproof enough so he could utilize it as a Producer’s Choice acoustic blankets – and not get into noise disturbance trouble.

‘’The houses in my neighborhood are in close quarters, about 100 years old and the rooms couldn’t be less sealed,’’ Michael told VocalBoothToGo.com.‘’ I used Gobos in the corners and behind my drum set but they really didn’t do much at all.’’


Continue reading “Creating a Drum Room – Interview with Podcaster Michael O’Neal”

How to Soundproof Drum Room and Recording Studio with Producer’s Choice Sound Blankets Video Testimonial .

When Michael treated his podcast audio recording studio with Producer’s Choice Acoustic blankets he was amazed by the results!
We spoke with Michael about his podcast, his satisfaction with the efficiency of our sound blankets and more. You can see compete interview here: http://youtu.be/nHS9FMs32bo
Being a professional drummer, Michael needed to stop the sound from escaping the room, so he can play his drums. He hung two layers of producers choice sound blankets around the room, and covered windows with additional layer of acoustic blankets from VocalBoothToGo.com.
This allowed him to create a completely dead sounding recording studio and soundproof his drum room at the same time!
You can listen to Michael’s award winning show at www.solopreneurhour.com.
To get sound blankets for soundproofing and acoustic treatment of your recording studio go to http://www.vocalboothtogo.com

Interview with Michael O’Neal / Podcast Recording Studio / Drum Room Soundproofing

Ever wondered how professional podcasters get their sound right? Are you a drummer and have issues with your neighbors?
Michael O’Neal, a professional drummer and podcaster, explains how he managed to kill two birds with one stone: soundproof his drum room to avoid neighbor’s complaints and create an acoustically treated audio recording room at the same time!
Michael hosts a podcast with the goal to help people to make that important step to become successful on their own. You can listen to his award winning show at www.solopreneurhour.com.
As the show became more and more successful Michael needed to come up with a solution to improve the sound quality in his studio and at the same time, being a drummer, he needed to stop the sound from escaping the room so he can play his drums!
Previously, Michael tried to use acoustics gobos, but that did not help much. It might have done something to cut early reflections, but did nothing to stop sound transmission. Outside the room his drums were heard loud and clear.
After thorough research he found Producer’s Choice Acoustic blankets. Michael treated his studio with these sound blankets and he was amazed by the results!
Michael also gives useful tips to fellow drummers to avoid potential conflicts with new neighbors.

You can get the same sound blankets that Michael uses for soundproofing and acoustic treatment of his podcast recording studio from http://www.vocalboothtogo.com

VocalBoothToGo.com to Unveil New Product At VOICE 2014

VocalBoothToGo.com to Unveil New Product At VOICE 2014

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VocalBoothToGo.com will be heading to Anaheim, CA, to be a part of VOICE 2014, August 27 to 30, and plans to unveil a new product in its acoustic line of vocal booths. Attendees of VOICE 2014 will be the first to see a demonstration of the new product. VocalBoothToGo also encourages attendees to stop by its exhibit to receive a special event discount code to use when ordering products.

VOICE 2014 voice over event promotes education, technology and community for voice talent at all levels of experience and will bring together coaches, voice actors, and entrepreneurs from all over the world. VocalBoothToGo attended VOICE 2012 and provided the conference attendees the use of a sound booth for live voice over auditions and premiered the Carry-On Vocal Booth, its portable vocal booth, which will also be at the exhibit.

Don’t Forget About Acoustics and Soundproofing When Designing a Home Studio

It goes without question that in today’s competitive world of voiceover, you will need to invest in a home studio of some kind. Your home studio will be essential for auditions, practice, and paid projects as they flow in. However, the cost of equipping a home studio may vary anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on your individual needs.


When considering planning out your home recording studio, two important aspects must be addressed: soundproofing and acoustic room treatment. It’s quite obvious that your recordings should not have any sounds that do not belong such as traffic, barking dogs, noisy neighbors or a lawn mower passing by. Nonetheless, your recordings should not make you sound as if you are recording in a fish bowl either. Where do you start…

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