



Good Posture For Using A Vocal Booth like the Carry-on Vocal Booth

by Dr. Ann Utterback, AVoiceDoc

One thing to keep in mind when using the Carry-On Vocal Booth at home or in a car or truck (or even when you’re in a sound booth) is your posture. Slumping forward, as many of us do everyday when using our computers, tablets, e-readers or phones, puts more pressure on the diaphragm (the main muscle used for breathing).  This makes it more difficult to take good inhalations, and the effects on the voice from poor breathing are immediate.  Over time this position can also cause back pain.  (For more on proper breathing, see my website at www.OnlineVoiceCoaching.com.)

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Vocal Booth on Tracks: An Option for Space-Challenged Voice Talents

By Randye Kaye, Voice Actress

Yahoo! I now have my own recording room and, even better, I can whisk its walls aside whenever I need to.

How? I replaced my wardrobe-screen-from-Goodwill-draped-with-quilts (only 5 feet high) with a floor-to-ceiling Vocal Booth on Tracks from vocalboothtogo.com. And it’s great – exactly as promised.

First of all, let me clarify that in a perfect VO world I’d get a sound-PROOF booth and perhaps someday I will. This is not a WhisperRoom, or StudioBricks booth and is not offered as such.  This booth, however, delivers exactly what it promises. I love it.


Continue reading “Vocal Booth on Tracks: An Option for Space-Challenged Voice Talents”

Acoustic Vocal Booth on Tracks (Installation Instructions)

How to install ceiling tracks for Acoustic Vocal Booth on Tracks. When you have no floor space available to set up a full size vocal booth, Vocal Booth on Tracks is a simple and inexpensive solution to immediately create recording space without taking up your floor space.
Avaialble from VocalBoothToGo.com. Unlimited lengfth tracks with wall mounts or ceiling mounts.( direct link to Vocal Booth on tracks: https://www.vocalboothtogo.com/produc…).

NOTE: in this video the ceiling brackets were screwed in the wood ceiling.
Currently we enclose plastic anchors to secure screws in the drywall ceiling. you will nee 3/8 drill bit to install the anchors.


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